Have you considered your creative power – how infinite it is?
Have you ever stopped to consider, dear Susie, that even one small drop from the sea
is as infinite as all of the oceans combined?
Kind of like me and you, eh?
You are mighty,
The Universe
(this morning’s message from Mike Dooley)
Something powerful and profound is happening in The Sketchbook Entrepreneur Masterclass.
We are midway through the course (it is flying by!), and what is emerging from the depths of everyone’s souls is moving me beyond words. Yesterday while participants were sharing their breakthroughs and epiphanies, my heart was in my throat.
I struggled to breathe, speak.
This is the experience of cozying up to our creativity. It is a blindingly beautiful, inexplicable current we can feel moving through us.
It can lift us, transport us to new domains of the heart and soul. Our creativity can carry us up and out of trauma and old wounds and to the shores of healing. Becoming a chisel, it chips off the old concrete of us that is not our true selves, leaving behind our essential nature.
Uncertainty & Your Creative Power
We can feel it rising within us as we move our hands, shaking loose our intuition and imagination, guiding us closer and closer to what feels like home. We leave behind old stories and narratives that never fit us, that closed us off from the world and ourselves.
And in the courageous doing and not knowing, with each mark we make, each blob of paint we smear across the page, each tender step forward, we are strengthening our tolerance of uncertainty. We signal to our soul that there is a new sheriff in town, and the badge wearer is willing to walk right into discomfort and fear.
Once across the threshold, the skies brighten. We’ve entered a new domain of consciousness and are encouraged to keep going.
One unsure step at a time, we do the work. The work we were (only a few moments earlier) certain we were not capable of doing!

We sense our infinite power in these moments, and we can want to run from it. Shrink back. Hug the sidelines. It threatens to overwhelm us, turning us upside down and inside out.
I wondered yesterday after class if we hide from our creativity because we have a hunch of its infinite power. Our infinite power. Perhaps, then, it is not only our old art-shaming experiences and/or comments from parents or peers telling us creative pursuits don’t pay the bills that are holding us back.
The Surrender
Our creativity is a wild, wild river, turning us this way and that. We are in a tiny boat without oars or a rudder, at the mercy of the rapids.
Can we let it take us without demanding to know the destination? Can we surrender, lay back inside the stern, and stare up at the sky?
Can we risk our tender hearts and show ourselves and the world what we, and only we, can see?
When we simply show up and then surrender with consistency, we ignite the fuse. Then, it is just a matter of keeping the valve of our soul open, unobstructed. Free from the debris of limiting beliefs and/or habits that deaden and dull us.
We are mightier than we will ever give ourselves credit for. Step inside the boat and push off. Ride the rapids of what you dare to dream, speak, sing, launch, love. Travel far.