“Even when the two entangled particles—or people—are separated by a great distance (and I mean emotional or physical distance…or like being at opposite ends of the universe), their movements or actions affect each other.” ~ Sally Ember on quantum entanglement
I am writing to you from the edge of the Caribbean Sea and Yucatan jungle where I am immersed in Dr. Joe Dispenza’s Advanced Week-Long Retreat. One of the many topics we are delving into is the fascinating frontier of quantum physics.
I certainly do not pretend to be an expert in this very complex subject matter, but there is one concept of quantum physics I’d like to present you with to stir your thinking and creative exploration: quantum entanglement.
Take a look at the quote from Sally Ember above to get a simplified definition of the quantum entanglement phenomenon. The essential aspect I want to convey to you is that we can affect one another even across great distances of time and space.
Elevate Your Creativity
My question for you is this: whose energy is entangled with yours?
If we work to become more aware, we can begin to discern if we are engaged in quantum entanglement with others either positively or negatively. We can then understand how our relationships and interactions with others are contributing to or diminishing our creativity.

I invite you to consider whether or not you are holding yourself back from fully expressing yourself. Was there a creative pursuit or project you abandoned because someone (either years or days ago) judged you for your passion? Diminished your energy for doing the thing that called to your heart? Reprimanded you for making your vulnerability visible?
If you wrote a letter to your gentle, creative heart, what would you say? Is there someone or perhaps a set of faulty, painful beliefs you would want to shield from your energy?
Once we awaken to how others are affecting us through quantum entanglement, we can begin to muster up the courage to unwrap the energetic tendrils, one by one. We can choose to raise our creative voices, even while our voices quiver and our knees knock.
And as we refine our vision and create without censoring ourselves from our unique points of view, we become beacons for others on the journey. We can contribute love, trust, courage, perspective and hope to the river in which we all swim.
We can choose to extricate ourselves from webs that do not serve us and, in turn, inspire others to do the same.