Taking a few minutes, a few hours, a few days, and even a few weeks to truly step back, reflect, and relax is essential to one’s creative well being, as well as one’s well being overall. Yet, we rarely gift ourselves this time and space. Ask yourself why that may be true for you and decide to take specific steps to make a change. While you are doing your year-end planning, plan for down time. Quiet time. Uninterrupted time. Time to think. Mark it in your planner just like any other appointment. Feel the freedom rush through you as your pen crosses off time for YOU.
Time = Freedom {Aesthete Aperture}
Buoyant: The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Becoming Wildly Successful, Creative, and Free
Embark on a once-in-a-lifetime voyage towards rediscovering your innate creativity and unlocking your entrepreneurial potential.