When you do what matters most—instead of trying to do everything and beyond—we open ourselves to being energized and genuinely fulfilled.
Of all the things that really and truly matter, Susie,
getting more done is not among them.
The Universe
Do What Matters Most, Not Just “More”
Have you ever had a day (week? month? year?) where you crossed off every task on your to-do list but still felt deeply unsatisfied and even lost?
Or found yourself constantly busy but questioning if any of it truly mattered? Or have you felt continually “behind” as you strive and strive—only to feel more defeated, deflated, exhausted, and numb?
If so, you’ve encountered what I call the paradox of productivity.
In our culture, productivity often feels like the ultimate badge of honor. We’re told to hustle, optimize every minute, and chase the mythical state of “getting it all done.”
But here’s the paradox: the harder we push to do more, the more elusive true success and fulfillment become, the harder it is do do what matters most.
Here’s why:
1. We mistake busyness for progress.
Checking boxes feels good in the moment, but are those boxes aligned with our deepest priorities? Without clarity, we’re at risk of filling our days with tasks that look productive but leave us spinning our wheels.
2. Perfectionism slows us down.
In trying to execute everything perfectly, we often delay finishing—or worse, never start. We’re so focused on doing it right that we miss the magic of simply doing it.
3. Burnout is the ultimate thief.
When we’re endlessly striving, our creative spark dims. Rest becomes a guilty indulgence instead of the vital reset it truly is. And without space to recharge, we’re left drained, not inspired.
Here’s the truth: Productivity isn’t about doing more; it’s about doing what matters. Doing what brings us alive.
The moments that energize us, spark creativity, and align with our bigger vision are where the magic happens. And paradoxically, we find more freedom and success when we allow ourselves to step back, slow down, and reconnect with what our souls long for, to do what matters most.
Enter The Buoyant Art Studio: An Invitation to Spark Your Inspiration & Intuition
Imagine giving yourself permission to play. To explore. To create without judgment.
The Buoyant Art Studio is an online gathering space to co-create in a joyful community. It will serve as a distraction-free zone you protect each Friday morning in February so that you can sink into the delicious space of exploration and soulful renewal as you tap into your intuition.
During the weekly gatherings in the Studio, we will surrender to The Unknown and enjoy more calm, confidence, and clarity.
Here’s What You Can Expect:
- Guided art-making and journaling exercises to unleash your creativity and reconnect with your sense of joy.
- A space to experiment, fail, and discover without pressure.
- Practical insights on how embracing play can unlock fresh perspectives in your work and life.
It’s time to stop drowning in productivity traps and start floating in the buoyant joy of creation.
Join us in The Buoyant Art Studio and take the first step toward reclaiming the freedom and success that are already within you.
Here Is How It Will Work:
Beginning on February 7th at 9 a.m. Eastern, the class will meet LIVE via Zoom for 1.5 hours each Friday in February (7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th).
Interested? Simply send $297 to me via PayPal (susie@innovationcompass.com). I will register you and send you a Welcome Packet with all the details.
Let’s step off the well-worn path of joyless striving and into something far more exhilarating.
Let’s reclaim our creative freedom, our playfulness, our sense of possibility.
Let’s redefine what it means to be productive, to do what matters most—and have a lot of fun along the way.
The Buoyant Art Studio is your space to do just that. Join us!