As I strolled along the beach the other day, the skies changed dramatically within minutes, going from low, gray clouds to bright sun with blue skies. As a creator, it is tempting to let changing, external circumstances drive your level of motivation, your mood, and your willingness to do the hard work. I certainly know this is true for me, and I strive to be aware when I am succumbing to it. I know intellectually that circumstances never drive feelings — that is the realm of thoughts. If I can stand surefooted and clear, I can identify quickly the thoughts that are causing me pain and set out to dissolve them. A pro tip is this: those especially murky thoughts can be ridden like a wind surfer on the waves and transmuted into some of your best work.
Cloudy Skies & Murky Thoughts {Aesthete Aperture}
Buoyant: The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Becoming Wildly Successful, Creative, and Free
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